Planning for the Student with ASD
Knowing the characteristics and features of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) helps teachers design and implement inclusive learning experiences, approaches and strategies. Proactive planning can even avoid some of the more challenging situations teachers encounter when supporting a student with ASD. Brent will share practical insights and strategies for success in teaching and programming for students on the autism spectrum.
Presenter Biography
Brent Epp (M.Ed.) is a Consultant, Student Services, for Manitoba Education. Prior to working for government Brent was a student services teacher in Louis Riel School Division and in Winnipeg School Division.
His responsibilities with Manitoba Education include: high school special education, assisting schools planning for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, transition planning for students who may need adult supports and interdepartmental committee work related to FASD
He has consulted with a school teams and school divisions throughout Manitoba.