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Executive Members

Miranda Ngo

Hello! My name is Miranda Ngo and I am MCEC President this year. I was Vice President and Conference Co-chair last year. Before that I sat on the Executive as the Secretary for five years. I am currently a Resource Teacher in Seine River School Division and get to support, plan, and learn from so many amazing students ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 8. 

Elaine Lochhead
Past President

MCEC has been part of my professional life since 1997. I have enjoyed working in all areas of this amazing group – conference committee and the executive and have held all roles and enjoyed them all. I encourage people interested in inclusive education to get involved with the Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children – you meet vibrant and positive people who also want to support professional learning and celebrate exceptional students. I live in Winnipeg, and have three children and four grandchildren.

Jennifer Greigson
Vice President and Conference Co-Chair

I am happy to be taking on the role of MCEC Vice- President this year and learning from this amazing network of Educators. I have previously been involved with Brandon University Student Chapter and the Communications Action Team. I currently work as a Learning Support Teacher with Interlake School Division, supporting students from K-12. 

Kori Plesiuk 

We are happy to have Kori join MCEC this year as Secretary on the Executive Council. She works as an Education Assistant at Ecole St. Adolphe School and is a Mom of 3.

Joanna Kaptein
Representative Assembly, Yes I Can!

Hello I am Joanna Kaptein, the current Representative Assembly member for International CEC and Yes I Can Chair. I currently work in Sunrise School Division. I have been involved in MCEC for numerous years, it’s an awarding organization to be a part of. There are many opportunities to attend Professional Development and network with colleagues.
Georgina Dyck-Hacault
Representative Assembly, Treasurer
Georgina has been a part of MCEC for many years and has lot of experience and ideas to share. 
Kaitlynn Sandulak
Member at Large, Communications Action Team
A newly graduated student from the B. Ed program at U of M, Kaitlynn Sandulak acts as a Member at Large on the MCEC Executive. As a passionate teacher who values inclusion in all forms, the Council for Exceptional Children was a great fit. Looking forward to working with you.
Shawn Shalla
Member at Large
Natalie Moore
Member at Large, Membership Chair
Natalie joined MCEC executive last year as a Member at Large and has taken on the Membership Role this year. She is currently a resource teacher in the Seine River School Division. She is also the proud mom of three beautiful children and can usually be found cheering them on in a gym or rink.
Jared Laberge
Member at Large
Jared Laberge from Lord Selkirk Division is new to our Executive Council this year. Jared says he is eager and excited to join MCEC. He is passionate about inclusion and meeting students where they are at. Fair isn’t equal. Student self-understanding and self-advocacy are key.
Natalie Hlady
Member at Large, Public Policy
I have taught grades 1-6 in the Agassiz/Sunrise School Division for 27 years. Most of my experience has been in teaching students in a multi-age setting. I have also taught Reading Recovery, worked in Student Services as a resource teacher, and am currently working as Sunrise School Division’s K-3 Literacy Program Leader. I recognize and appreciate that all children are on their own unique paths to learning and growing. Inclusion is a way to celebrate each student’s strengths and learn about how we they are alike and different. My experience as a multi-age teacher has
reinforced the benefits of inclusion. I look forward to working with the MCEC and learning more about how I can support teachers in their learning journey.
Emma Van Der Kroon
Member at Large
Greetings and salutations! My name is Emma and I am the Co-President of the MCEC University of Winnipeg student chapter. I am in my second year with the MCEC and excited to continue to be involved with subcommittees and opportunities that this role offers. Currently, I’m also balancing being a 5th year education student in the early/middle years stream with the University of Winnipeg and working with students. Through my work I get the privilege of working with so many diverse youths and learning more about the field every day. Can’t wait to see what the future holds!
Historian Vacant
Last Updated:  14 June, 2024

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